Tuesday, 13 November 2012

自家招牌豆腐 (Own Signature Beancurd)

若我叫它肉碎冬菇虾米豆腐, 名字好像有点长气, 老公说干脆就叫它为自家的照牌豆腐! ^o^

A) Beancurd – 2 pcs (Cut into thin slices)
B) Dried Mushroom  – 1 to 2 nos (rinsed and soaked in hot water , cut into strips)
C) Minced meat - 2 tablespoons
D) Dried Shrimps - 2 tablespoons (soaked and roughly chopped/pound)
E) Salted Soya Bean - 1 tablespoon
F) Garlic paste

Marinade for minced meat:
A) Light soy source – 2 tablespoons
B) A dash of pepper
C) Corn flour - 1 teaspoon

A) A dash of Salt to taste
B) A dash of Sugar to taste
C) Dark soy source - 1 to 2 tablespoons
D) Water
E) A little Corn flour (mix with some water to form cornstarch mixture)

1)  Heat some oil, slightly fried the beancurd, remove and place on a plate.
2)  Sauté the dried shrimps until golden and fragrant. Set aside.
3)  Saute the garlic paste and salted soya bean until fragrant.
4)  Add dried mushrooms and stir fry for a while
5)  Then add in the marinated mince meat, a dash of salt, sugar and dark soy source, stir fry until cooked.
6)  Add some water to simmer for a while, then put some cornstarch mixture. Remove and place on the beancurd (1).
7)  Lastly, put the fried dried shrimps on top before serving.

A) 豆腐- 2 (切薄片)
B) 冬菇- 1至2 (泡软, 切条状)
C) 肉碎- 2 汤匙 
D) 虾米- 2 汤匙 (剁幼/舂)
E) 豆鼓- 1 汤匙
F) 蒜茸-少许

A) 生抽- 2 汤匙
B) 胡椒粉- 少许
C) 粟粉- 1 茶匙

A) 盐- 适量
B) 糖- 适量
C)老抽- 1至2汤匙
C) 水- 少许
E) 粟粉少许(混和水勾芡用)

1)  烧热油,将豆腐片稍微煎一下,盛起铺在碟上.
2)  虾米下锅煎至金黄色,捞起待用.
3)  爆香蒜茸,加入豆鼓炒一会儿
4)  加入冬菇拌炒
5)  然后再放入腌好的肉碎, ,糖及老抽,翻炒至熟
6)  加入水稍微焖一会儿,苟欠后既可乘起铺在之前准备好的豆腐上
7)  最后, 放上煎好的虾米即可

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