Friday, 21 September 2012

“电饭煲”鸡饭 (Claypot Chicken Rice with Rice Cooker)

以电饭煲取代砂煲, 用"一锅熟"的方法煮了这鸡饭. 它是我忙碌时的最佳选择.
简单, 快捷, 省时兼美味, 让我找不到不爱它的理由^o^

A) 鸡腿肉/鸡胸肉 –400g (切小块)
B) 香菇 - 4 5(泡软, 切条状)
C) 咸鱼 - 少许
D) 腊肠 - 2 (切片)
E) 米 - 2 杯半
F) 姜 - 70g  

A) 蚝油 - 1.5 汤匙
B) 生抽 - 1 汤匙                                                       
C) 蔴油 - 1 汤匙
D) 胡椒粉少许

A) 蚝油 - 1 汤匙
C) 老抽 - 1 汤匙
D) 盐 - 适量
E) 胡椒粉 - 少许

1)  洗净鸡肉, 用腌料腌至少一个小时以上 (腌越久越入味)
2)  煎香咸鱼和腊肠, 待用.
3)  米洗净加水之后 (跟平时煮饭的水量差不多), 把腌好的鸡肉香菇, 咸鱼,  腊肠和姜一起倒饭锅内
4)  加入所有的调味料, 搅拌匀允
5)  饭煲开电, 按下煮饭键
5)  煮熟后, 开盖轻轻搅拌, 然后再继续在饭锅内焖1015分钟, 让饭更美味

咸鱼和腊肠提煎一煎除了较香外, 还能去除咸鱼的腥味, 同时也可把腊肠里多余的油脂给煎出来, 那么就可减少饭的油腻度了. 若你用的是全瘦的腊肠而又想在最简易的状况下完成这道菜, 那这个步骤可有可无 J


A) Chicken tight / breast meat - 400g (cut into small pieces)
B) Mushroom  – 4 to 5 pcs (rinsed and soaked in hot water , cut into strips)
C) A small pieces of Salted Fish
D) 2 Chinese sausage (soaked in hot water before removing wax, cut into slices)
E) White rice – 2.5 cups
F) Ginger - 70g

A) Oyster source - 1.5 tablespoons 
B) Dark soy source - 1 tablespoon
C) Sesame oil - 1 tablespoon
D) A little bit of Pepper

A) Oyster source - 1 tablespoon  
C) Dark soy source – 1 tablespoon  
D) Salt to taste
E) A little bit of Pepper

1)  Rinse the chicken, marinate for at least 1 hour.
2)  Saute the salted fish and Chinese sausage until fragrant. Set aside.
2)  Rinse the rice, add water (as per usual), marinated chicken, mushroom, salted fish, Chinese sausage and ginger into the rice cooker pot, mix well.
4)  Add all the seasonings
5)  On the power of the rice cooker
6)  After cooked, stir well and simmer for the another 10 to 15 minutes before serving.

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