Saturday, 15 September 2012

豆鼓蒸排骨 (Steamed Pork Ribs with Salted Soya Bean)

A) 排骨  -  600g
B) 豆包(豆卜)  -  65g
C) 大蒜  -  6
D) 豆鼓  -  2 3 汤匙 (不同公司产品不同咸度,得自己拿捏)

A) 生抽  -  1汤匙
B) 老抽  -  1汤匙
C) 胡椒粉  -  少许
D)   -  少许
E) 粟粉少许 (混和少许水勾芡用)

1)      排骨洗净, 割除油脂, 放入滾水川烫去除血水. 待用.
2)      燒热油, 爆香大蒜及豆鼓.
3)      加入排骨及调味料, 略炒.
4)      把切小块的豆包铺在大碗里, 再将炒过的排骨放在上面.
5)      蒸锅中水滚后, 放入排骨蒸约三十至四十分钟 (依份量大小而定).
6)      取出撒上葱花即可.

忙碌的上班族或喜爱简单的朋友们, 可免除步骤2 & 3, 直接把川烫好的排骨与豆包一起置入大碗里, 倒入所有的调味料, 大蒜及豆鼓, 就可进入最后蒸的步骤了J

A) Pork Ribs  -  600g
B) Bean curd puff  -  65g
C) Garlic   
D) Salted soya bean  -  2 to 3 tablespoons

A) Soy source – 1 tablespoons  
B) Dark soy source – 1 tablespoons
C) Pepper 
D) Sugar 
E) A little Corn flour (mix with some water to form cornstarch mixture)

1)      Rinse the pork ribs, trim away the fats and blanch in boiling water. Set aside.
2)      Heat up some oil, soute garlic and salted soya bean until fragrant.
3)      Add pork ribs and seasoning, stir fry for a while. Remove, set aside.
4)      Cut bean curd puff into small pieces and place in a big bowl, then put the pork rib on top.
5)      Bring water in the steamer to boil, steam pork rib for about 30 to 40 minutes
6)      Remove and scatter with chopped spring onion.

For the peoples who prefer oil-free cooking, we can make this dish in quick and simple way.
Step 2 & 3 can be skipped. After the step 1, we can just place the pork ribs & bean curd puff in a big bowl, pour in all the seasonings, garlic & salted soya bean, then steam.  J

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