Monday, 17 September 2012

蒸巧克力蛋糕 (Steamed Chocolate Cake)

作天出炉的免烤巧克力蛋糕. 为了避免热气找上门, 这次我就把巧克力酱给省略了.

I)        牛油 – 180g
II)      – 180g
III)     淡奶 – 200g

I)        鸡蛋– 2

I)        自发面粉 – 100g
II)      可可粉 – 50g
III)    苏打粉 – ½茶匙

1)      将牛油, 糖和淡奶放入锅内, 用隔水方法煮至溶化.  熄火备用.
2)      (1)稍凉后, 将打好的蛋汁倒入, 搅拌匀允.
3)      将过筛的面粉, 可可粉和苏打粉放入大盆里, (2)倒入, 搅拌匀允.
4)      烤盘涂上一层牛油, 倒入面糊.
5)      待蒸锅里的水煮滚后, 放入蒸锅以中火蒸45分钟即可.

I )    炼奶 – 200g
II)      粟米油 – 2 汤匙
III)    可可粉 – 20g
IV)   少许

1)      将炼奶, 油和可可粉搅拌匀允, 用隔水方法煮至稍微浓稠. 
2)      熄火, 加少许盐, 拌匀 .
3)      待巧克力酱稍冷后, 铺在蛋糕上既可.

Ingredients (A):
I)        Butter – 180g
II)      Sugar – 180g
III)    Evaporated milk – 200g

Ingredients (B):
I)        2 Eggs (lightly beaten)

Ingredients (C):
I)        Self Raising Flour – 100g
II)      Unsweetened Cocoa Powder – 50g
III)    Baking Soda – ½ teaspoon

1)      Melt the butter, sugar and evaporated milk with using double boil method. Turn off the fire after the sugar is dissolved and leave to cool.
2)      Add the beaten egg in (1), stir and mix thoroughly.
3)      Sift the flour, cocoa powder and baking soda into a large mixing bowl.
4)      Pour the (2) into the mixing bowl, stir till well mix.
5)      Grease the cake pan, pour in the batter and steam over medium heat for 45 minutes (the water in a steamer must come to a boil first).

Ingredients for Chocolate Topping:
I)        Condense Milk – 200g
II)      Corn Oil – 2 tablespoons
III)    Unsweetened Cocoa Powder – 20g
IV)   A dash of salt

Method for Chocolate Topping:
1)      Double boil the milk, cocoa powder and corn oil, stir over the low heat till melted and thicken.
2)      Turn off the fire, add salt and mix well.
        3)    Spread on the cake once the chocolate topping is cooled.

1 comment:

  1. 你好,如果要做成抹茶或者咖啡,可不可以吧可可粉换成抹茶粉或者咖啡粉?
