Monday, 1 October 2012

蒸奶酪蛋糕(Steamed Cheddar Cheese Cake)

继香蕉及巧可力蛋糕后, 再来个免烤的蒸奶酪蛋糕(Steamed Cheddar Cheese Cake)”.
这充满钙质的甜点很适合小孩哦  ^0^

材料(A) :                                             
I) 鸡蛋 - 3 粒                                       
II) 糖 - 100g                                       

I) Cheddar Cheese - 4片
II) 牛油 - 80g
III) 牛奶 - 125g

材料(C) :  
I) 自发面粉 - 220g
II) 苏打粉 - 1茶匙

1) 将材料(A)搅拌至溶化及起泡.
2) 将(B)隔水煮溶, 熄火备用. 待稍凉后, 加入(1)里混合拌匀.
3) 将过筛的面粉和苏打粉放入大盆里, (2)倒入, 搅拌匀允.
4)烤盘涂上一层牛油, 倒入面糊,包上锡箔纸.
5) 待蒸锅里的水煮滚后, 放入蒸锅以中火蒸40分钟即可.

I) 3 Eggs                                                 
II) Sugar - 100g                                       

I) Cheddar Cheese - 4 slices                                                               
II) Butter - 80g
III) Milk - 125g

I) Self raising flour - 220g
II) Baking Soda - 1 teaspoon

1) Whisk the egg and sugar until the sugar is dissolved and slightly thicken.
2) Double boil the cheddar cheese, butter and milk till melted. Set aside to cool, then add it  into (1), stir and mix throughly.
3) Sift the flour and baking soda in a large mixing bowl, pour in the entire mixture (2) and stir till well combined.
4) Grease the cake tin,  pour in the batter and cover the top of the tin loosely with a sheet of aluminium foil.
5) Steam over medium heat for 40 mins (the water in a steamer must come to a boil first).


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