Monday, 29 October 2012

Mushroom Aglio Olio

平时吃多了肉, 偶而煮个无肉的健康餐也不错.

意大利面 - 1
蒜茸 - 5瓣
鲜磨菇(可采用任何你所喜欢的种类与份量), 我用了大约两包的份量
红辣椒(我选择指天椒) – 随个人口味
洋香菜碎(也叫洋芫荽) – 3 4汤匙

1) 在沸腾的水里加入盐和面条,煮至刚熟即捞出
2) 烧热橄榄油,炒香蒜茸
3) 加入鲜磨菇,翻炒至磨菇的水份蒸发/收干
4) 先后加入红辣椒,面条与洋香菜碎一起翻炒匀允
5) 加入盐与黑胡椒粉
6) 撒上意大利干酪粉既可

Spaghetti – 1 serving
Extra virgin olive oil
5 clove garlic, minced
Sliced fresh button mushroom & oyster mushroom – 1 pack each (feel free to use other varieties)
Red chili (I used chili padi) – sliced
Chopped parsley – 3 to 4 tablespoons
Ground black pepper  – to taste
Salt – to taste
Grated parmesan cheese

1) In a large pot of boiling water, add salt and cook the spaghetti until just done
2) Heat some olive oil, saute the garlic over moderately low heat until fragrant and turn light golden brown.
3) Add the sliced mushrooms, stir fry until the mushrooms’ liquid evaporates
4) Add the red chili, drain cooked spaghetti and toss with parsley
5) Add salt and pepper to taste
6) Sprinkle grated parmesan cheese and ready to serve

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

饭锅香橙蛋糕 (Rice Cooker Orange Zest Cake)

我的第一个用电饭锅烤的香橙蛋糕, 柔软的口感加上浓浓的香橙味,没想到饭锅"烤"的功用还真不赖 ^.^

鸡蛋 – 4
鲜橙汁 – 115ml
橙皮 – 1 (磨碎)
柠檬汁 半茶匙
粟米油 – 85ml
– 130g
- ¼茶匙
自发面粉 – 150g
发粉 – 1茶匙

1) 将蛋白和蛋黄分开,分别放入两个大碗中
2) 70克糖加入蛋黄中,打至糖溶解
3) 先后加入准备好的橙汁,橙皮碎,粟米及盐,搅拌匀
4) 加入过筛面粉及发粉,轻轻拌匀成蛋黄糊
5) 将蛋白打至发泡,加入60克糖和柠檬汁,然后持续打至硬性发泡 (提起搅拌器,蛋白的尾端挺立不弯曲,盆子倒转过来蛋白也不会流出).
6) 1/3蛋白霜加入蛋黄糊,轻轻拌匀,然后再加入剩余的蛋白霜,混合拌匀成面糊
7) 在电饭煲锅底抹一层油,把面糊倒进去,然后震几下锅,把气泡震出来.
8) 按下快煮,当它跳到保温档时,让它焖20分钟. 然后,用筷子戳进去,如果不粘面糊就可以了.相反的,若筷子粘了面糊,那就表示蛋糕还没完成. 此时,再次按下快煮,重复同样的步骤就可以了.
9) 蛋糕完成,待冷却后,将它倒扣在盘上既可.

4 Eggs
Orange juice – 115ml
Orange zest – 1 orange
Lemon juice – ½ teaspoon
Corn oil – 85ml
Sugar – 130g
Salt – ¼ teaspoon
Self raising flour – 150g
Baking powder – 1 teaspoon

1) Separate the eggs, place the egg yolks in one bowl and the whites in another.
2) Add 70g of sugar into egg yolks and beat until the sugar is dissolved.
3) Add orange juice, orange zest, corn oil & salt, mix well.
4) Add sifted flour and baking powder, stir gently till well combined and smooth. Set aside.
5) In a separate mixing bowl, whisk the egg whites until foamy. Add 60g of sugar & lemon juice, and continue to beat until stiff peaks form.
6) Stir one third of the egg whites into the batter to lighten it and fold in the remaining whites gently but thoroughly.
7) grease the inner pot of rice cooker, pour in the batter, gently tap the pot on tabletop to remove air bubbles trapped in the batter.
8) Bake the cake using “quick cook” menu. When it is done, continue to “keep warm” for 20 minutes. Then, insert a chopstick into the center of the cake. When it comes out clean, the cake is done. Otherwise, repeat the same step with using “quick cook” menu again.
9) when the cake is done, leave it cool. Then upside turn the pot to leave the cake bottom-up on a plate.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

中式"马来炒面"(Mee Goreng)

为什么我称它为中式"马来炒面"呢? 因为少了原有的辛辣, 材料方面也根据自家的口味而做出了变动, 所以出来的效果还挺中式的.

– 420g
肉碎 – 150g
鱼饼 – 120g (切片)
– 300g
包菜 – 200g (切丝)
番茄 – 1 (切丁)

叄芭辣椒酱 - 依個人口味酌量
蚝油 – 1 汤匙
番茄汁 半汤匙

1) 烧热油, 爆香蒜末&小葱末
2) 叄芭辣椒酱下锅, 炒香
2) 先后加入肉碎, 鱼饼, , 菜及盐, 翻炒后放一边
3) 把蛋打入锅内, 在半生熟壮态加入面条, 稍微拌炒
4) 加入(2), 番茄及调味料, 炒匀即可

A) Noodle – 420g
B) Minced garlics
C) Minced shallots
D) Minced meat – 150g
E) Fish cake – 120g (cut into slices)
F) Prawn – 300g
G) Cabbage – 200g (Shredded)
H) 1 Tomato – (cut into small cube)

Sambal chili paste – to taste
Oyster source – 1 tablespoon
Tomato source – ½ tablespoon
Salt – to taste

1) Heat up some oil, sauté the mince garlics & shallots till golden brown.
2) Add the sambal chili paste and sauté till fragrant.
3) Add mince meat, fish cake, prawn, cabbage and salt, stir fry for a while. Set aside.
4) Cook the egg until half-cooked, then add the noodle.
5) Add (3), tomato cubes and seasonings, stir fry and mix well.