Sunday, 13 January 2013

Zebra Chiffon Cake (斑马威风蛋糕)

斑马来咯! 终于都轮到它出场了.
这蛋糕早就想做,但却耽搁了蛮久. 对我来说,做这蛋糕最大的考验就是耐性. 想要做出美美的斑马,少点儿耐性都不行吔.

Ingredient A:
3 Egg yolks
Sugar – 30g
Milk – 60g
Corn oil – 45g
Cake flour – 90g
Baking powder – ½ tsp

Ingredient B:
3 Egg Whites
Sugar – 60g
Tartar powder – ¼ tsp

Ingredient C:
Vanilla essence – ½ tsp
Cocoa powder – 1.5 to 2 tsp

1) Separate the eggs, place the egg yolks in one bowl and the whites in another.
2) Add 30g of sugar into egg yolks and beat until the sugar is dissolved.
3) Add milk and corn oil, mix well.
4) Add sifted flour and stir gently till well combined and smooth. Set aside.
5) In a separate mixing bowl, whisk the egg whites until foamy. Add in 60g of sugar gradually (one-third at a time), continue beating until stiff peaks form.
6) Fold one third of the egg whites into the batter with spatula until well combined.
7) Pour the entire mixture into the remaining egg whites and fold in gently but thoroughly.
8) Divide the batter into half, mix in vanilla essence with one half and cocoa powder with the another half.
9) Alternately add 1 tablespoon of vanilla & cocoa batter into a cake tin, put them up on top of one another until both used up.
10) Bake in preheated oven at 170’c for about 40 minutes or until golden brown and cooked. (The baking time and oven temperatures vary depending on the types of oven)
11) When the cake is done, remove from oven and invert the pan immediately until cool completely.

蛋黄 –3
牛奶 – 60g
粟米油 – 45g
低筋面粉 – 90g
发粉 – 1/2茶匙

蛋白 – 3
– 60g
塔塔粉 – ¼茶匙

香草精 – ½茶匙

1) 将蛋白和蛋黄分开,分别放入两个大碗中
2) 30g糖加入蛋黄中,打至糖溶解
3) 先后加入准备好的牛奶及粟米油,搅拌匀允
4) 加入过筛面粉及发粉,轻轻拌匀成蛋黄糊
5) 将蛋白打至发泡,加入塔塔粉及分三次将60g糖加入,然后持续打至硬性发泡 (提起搅拌器,蛋白的尾端挺立不弯曲,盆子倒转过来蛋白也不会流出).
6) 1/3蛋白霜加入蛋黄糊,轻轻拌匀
8) 面糊分成两份,各别加入香草精及可可粉
9) 用汤匙将面糊交替加入烤盘中央(如图)
8)送进预热烤箱, 烤约40分钟170’c (温度与时间因各自烤箱而定)
9) 当蛋糕完成时,出烤箱后马上倒扣至完全冷却才脱模.

酸辣烧肉芥菜 (Hot and sour roast pork mustard)

我用了懒人煮法来煮这道很开胃的"酸辣烧肉芥菜". 所谓的懒人煮法就是把所有的材料丢进锅里, 一锅熟, 搞掂^^

Local mustard - 650g
Roasted pork - 700g
Assam kulek - 25g
Dry chilli - qty depending on individual preference
A dash of salt
1) Add local mustard, assam kulek & dry chillies into a pot, then pour in water to cover about 1/3 of the mustard)
2) Turn on high heat and bring to boil, then turn to low heat and simmer about 1.5 hour
3) Add roasted pork and salt, continue to simmer until the mustard fully softened, about half to one hour. 

本地芥菜 - 650g
烧肉 - 700g
阿叁皮/片 - 25g
辣椒干 - 适量(依个人所好而定)
盐 - 适量



Thursday, 10 January 2013

Pure Chocolate Cake (纯巧克力蛋糕)

以这种方试烤出来的蛋糕口感的确较棉密及湿润, 再加上浓郁的巧克力香,就算做法稍微多了些步骤也无妨^^

Ingredient A:
Chocolate – 85g
UHT Whipping Cream – 85g
Butter – 65g
3 Egg yolk

Ingredient B:
Cake flour – 35g
Corn flour – 10g
Cocoa powder – 30g

Ingredient C:
3 Egg white
Sugar – 70g

1) Double boil the chocolate, whipped cream & butter until melted and smooth. Set aside to cool.
2) Add the egg yolk and incorporate well.
3) Add the Ingredient B (sifted cake flour, corn flour & cocoa powder) into the wet ingredients and mix them into combine. Set aside.
4) Whisk the egg whites until foamy, add in sugar half at a time and continue beating until medium peak form (the peaks will hold and curl down when the whisk are lifted up).
5) Fold one third of the egg whites into the batter with spatula until well combined.
6) Pour the entire mixture into the remaining egg whites and fold in gently but thoroughly.
7) Spoon the batter into cupcake liner which placed in cupcake/muffin tin.
8) Steam Bake the cake in preheated oven at 180'c for about 45 minutes or until cooked (a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean).

Steam bake method è Put the cupcake/muffin tin in a tray filled with water and bake in the oven.


低筋面粉   35g
玉米粉 – 10g
可可粉 – 30g

蛋白 – 3
– 70g

3) 加入过筛的材料B (低筋面粉,玉米粉&可可粉), 搅拌匀允成面糊
4)将蛋白打至发泡,分两次加入糖,然后持续打至中性发泡 (提起搅拌器,蛋白的尾端有点弯曲).
8)预热烤箱, 以蒸烤方试烤约45分钟(180'c)或至熟(用牙签戳进去,如果不粘面糊就可以了)

蒸烤方试 è 将装好面糊的纸杯锡模/烤盘放在另一个盛水的烤盘里,然后送入烤箱